Sunday, June 30, 2013

Our Health is the Number One Priority in our Life !

Our Health is the Number One Priority in our Life !
Published on Oct. 21, 2009, 5:55 PM Last Update: 5 month(s) ago by Ariston Awitan
                                          By Ariston P Awitan, M.D.

We  all have dreams. Then we put  a  deadline  in our dreams and they become our goals. We work on our goals and  they  become  realities.
Most of the time our goals   involve  material  things  that we want to possess. Money  that we want to put in our bank accounts. Beautiful house
that we want to live in. Professions we want to achieve.  All of these requires money to accomplish them. So it sounds like that money is the
most imprtant thing we need to accomplish our dreams, our goals and our aspirations.

Stop, sit back and   think. Yes money is very important. But  is  it really the number one priority, most important thing in one's life?
Let me tell you my experiences as a physician for about fifty years. I have treated patients, saw patients , my friends , acquaintances,
millionaires, great politicians and  rich businessmen in the intensive care units in the hospitals. Some of them  were dying,
some with endo-tracheal tubes connected to respirators--, breathing machines because they  were  dying of cancer, strokes or heart attacks.
And at that point, I could not help but say, now what ?. What is the use of all the riches these people have worked for so hard at  this particular
point in their lives?

What's the use? All  these  riches that they have worked for to the extent of neglecting their very own health? My friend, a businessman had multiple
organ  failures. He neglected his high blood pressure   problem while busy travelling  doing his multimillion business. His high blood pressure
destroyed  the small arteries in his kidneys, had kidney failure. Was in dialysis for  several  years 2 times a week at least. He developed a heart
attack, fluid in the lungs and died.  Only in  his early fifties.

I have  close  friends that  died of brain cancer, lung cancer  and one now is dying of bladder cancer. My point is that people  do  not realize some-
times  that health is their number one priority until they lose it. If  they are just reminded or if there is ever a way to prevent the fatal diseases that
they have,  I am sure they will even spend their fortune  to preserve their health.

So now that  my point   is clear, let me tell you that  some of us has been  perpetual students  of  physical fitness,  prevention of diseases, 
good nutrition, nutritional supplements,  phytochemicals, antioxidants and free radicals. We have  labored  to learn all these things  so that
the  knowledge we learned can be applied  in  order to  achieve and  maintain  healthy lives. You have to take advantage of our expertise,
because our longevity is a testimonial  that what we do and what supplements we take contribute  to our healthy lives.

Since more than twenty years ago, I have studied nutritional supplements, antioxidants, free radicals and have been faithful with my
physical  fitness being a martial artist. I have always  watched  what I eat, and have been conscious of  avoiding extra pounds of weight.
I also believe that one has to be actively well-informed about the available  superior nutritional supplements and antioxidants for our
body's health.  The correct balance of intake and output of calories is  very important in order  to stay healthy. The basic  knowledge  of  nutrition
is very important indeed.

Our body needs  good  nutrition,  and supplementation with vitamins, minerals, enzymes and antioxidants.  It  is important to know that
in order to fulfill our daily requirements of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, we have to eat about 16  (sixteen) servings of fruits  and vegetables daily.. But who on earth  would  be able to eat those sixteen (16) servings daily ?   That's why, we have to take nutritional
supplements. These daily requirements can be  fulfilled  by taking  an acceptable amount of tablets or capsules or liquid supplements.

There are excellent  nutritional  supplements  available in the market today , and they can be accessed online, in online stores or websites.
Choose  the nutritional supplements that are products of research. There are well-research products that address health issues that are
caused by free radical damage to our body cells causing inflammatory and degenerative changes that afflict mankind, including but
not  limited  to  heart disease, strokes, Alzheimer's. diabetes, brain damage, wrinkles and even cancer..

You need some homework in looking for these nutritional products. Ask your  friends  who are knowledgeable in nutritional  supplements.
Research the internet. There are  5 Pillar Nutritional  companies out there that  are stable-- that withstood the test of time, which have been  established  by honest  and credible people   with  integrity  promoting well-researched nutritional products..   Your  diligent  efforts will be worth the  time you spent to find the best products   for your healthy life and longevity..

Good nutritional supplements and antioxidants are important  for preventive maintenance of our body cells so that they will function
well for the performance of our  body systems. The old way of going to your family physician when you get sick is outmoded. We have  to prevent diseases  long before they  strike us !.  You are not going to just keep driving your car until it runs out of gas or  stops  running
because  the  engine quits or the transmission breaks ! Preventive maintenance is    just as important for  our cars  just as for our own bodies.

So if we can put it in a capsule, it wil read  like this::
1. Our number one priority in life is our health.
2. Our daily requirements of vitamins, minerals, enzymes and antioxidants cannot be  adequately taken by the number of servings of fruits
and vegetables that we take  every day,  so we need to take nutritional supplements.
3 .Good nutritional companies can be found in the internet and  in  the  nutritional product  stores in your  cities  if you exercise your  due  diligence.
4. Prevention  is always better than cure.

About the Author:     Dr. Ariston P Awitan,M.D. is a physician, retired orthopedic surgeon, network marketer, with a passion of helping
Network  marketers become healthy and  achieve financial security. He can be contacted at this phone: 713-392-5493  
Skype:  doctony1932
 or at this
e-mail  address:



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